Grapevines: gripping stuff

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It’s not a munty frame, it just looks like one.

There are three vines on the plot, of two different varieties. These would be boskoop glory and madelyne sylvener, red and white respectively. Last year I did try and put builders net between them. This did not prove to be successful, so this year I have put up a cane support framed. I do appreciate that in time these vines could be quite hefty, and that the canes look flimsy. We shall cross that bridge when we get to it.

I have had these vines for approximately two years, so I don’t expect an immediate crop. One of the vines may well have produced leaves last year, another has these rather woody tendrils gripping a cane. Think I’m the only one who has got vines on the site, so I have nothing to compare there. But we do have one at home that produces red grapes and sits in clay. Those grapes aren’t particularly edible.

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